Esthetics INSTRUCTOR Program

2231 Dawson Rd Suites I &J – Albany GA 31707

229- 496-1640 Fax: 1-888-780-7250


Class Schedule: Tuesday – Saturday 9am – 4pm


The objective of the Esthetics Instructor Program is to provide the Esthetician Instructor with the knowledge of teaching principles of Esthetician as a profession. Emphasis is placed on the aspects of theory and practice of Esthetician in the teaching of the skills. Instructor trainees will be under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor at all times. The curriculum in this school of Esthetician for the instructor training course shall be completed within nine (9) months and totaling 600 clock hours of training as stated below:


The Esthetics Instructor’s course consists of 600 clock and credit hours. The first 175 hours are devoted to classroom workshops, where you learn principles, technical information and laws, rules and regulations of the State Board. The remaining 425 hours are spent in the clinic area, where you gain practical experience. Here you have the opportunity to put your talents into practice, as you work with teaching students under the close supervision of your instructors. The following is a list of the state of Georgia State Board of Cosmetology and Barbers requirements for technical and practical criteria.  

Unit of Study *Shall include, but is not limited to the following

  **All Instructor Students will be supervised by a School Instructor at all times**

Grading System

Students are evaluated on a regular basis on subject matters. The evaluations are measured on a standard percentile basis and the percentage converted to a letter grade and/or a point grade. The evaluation form reflects the overall attendance and academic progress of the student. Students must maintain a 67% average or better in attendance and a 70 % or better for practical work and theory to maintain satisfactory academic status. The grading system detailed below is the system utilized in the school.

Grading                   Letter     Description        Grade point

90 -100%                    A          Excellent                4.00

80% – 89%                  B          Above average      3.00

70%- 79%                   C         Average                 2.00

60% – 69%                  D         Below average    1.00 – Not Passing

59% or below            F          Fail                        0.00 – Not Passing

Specific Program Graduation Requirements:  In addition to meeting the basic Albany Beauty Academy graduation requirements, students are required to successfully complete 600 clock hours of Instructor training as described above.

Licensing requirements

Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and have a GED or a high school diploma. Satisfactory of as described above and passed the licensing exam (written and practical) with an overall 70%.

Potential occupations after completion

Instructor, curriculum developer

Master Educator 3rd Edition Text book

ISBN-13: 978-1133693697

ISBN-10: 1133693695

Esthetics Instructor Textbook
Required Uniform – Teal Scrubs, Black/Grey Shoes

Uniform scrubs must be worn daily and must be clean and wrinkle free.


Cosmetology & Barber School